Author: lologee2002

How to: Reuse Your Wedding Outfit

A few weeks ago, I went to a Mormon wedding (read about it here). It was fun and I enjoyed myself. My friend and all of the guests looked beautiful. I absolutely love the dress I wore. If you’ve ever been to a wedding it can be hard to find another use for that outfit, so here’s how I’m going to reuse my outfit. Hopefully you will find some inspiration in how I styled my dress. Look #1: I paired my American Apparel Printed Ponte Tank Dress with a thin sheer-ish black long sleeved shirt. I liked how I could see the stripes through the shirt still. The black shirt broke the dress up and also slimmed the look. Look #2: For this look I wanted to add some color. I picked this sweater because unlike the first look, this sweater isn’t fitted. I tend to constantly feel cold, so I thought this outfit would be perfect for changing climate situation. Look #3: This look had the dress paired with a chambray shirt. In the …

Essay: My Experience Preparing for a Mormon Wedding

Over the summer one of my high school friends, Emily got engaged. This whole summer I had been anticipating the moment when I get to see my friend in a beautiful white gown. But, to be completely honest, I was most excited to find a dress to wear to this wedding. Originally I had not decided whether or not I wanted to drive five and a half hours home to this event, but after a bit of convincing and the date approaching I decided why not. Also as a side note: if you ever get invited to a friends wedding, go. How often do you get to see your friends get married—the answer is rarely? (That’s how I was persuaded to go). Anyway I decided I wanted to go a month prior. This wedding was what I considered atypical. My friend and her fiancé are both Mormon. If you don’t know much about the Mormon culture and religion, that’s ok (I didn’t either); the Mormon culture has very strict social norms: no caffeine, no alcohol, …

The 10 Colors Everyone Will be Wearing This Season

“This season displays an umbrella of accord that weaves earthy neutrals with a range of bold color statements and patterns to reflect a landscape of hope, fun, fantasy and all things natural.” At first glance of this palette, I was confused. The first five colors have cohesion, but the last five hues do not ring consistent. I don’t know if it’s just me or not, but those last five colors remind me more of spring or summer, not fall. After listening to Lee Eiseman talk about the fall collection it made sense. Eiseman along with a whole team of color experts chose the hues of each palette. If you listen to her talk she notes how this season is the first ever palette to be gender free, meaning every single color is applicable to anyone and everyone. She also vividly persuades viewers why the more unusual colors do fit. After listening to her I was almost  convinced. A few days later I came across the Burberry fall collection where I began to see the palette, outcast colors …

Before You Leave For College Make Sure You Bring…

So before you head of to the magical land of [insert the town your college is located] you need to make sure you have these things. Hairbrush—when I left for school I completely forgot about this. My mom bought me another one because it’s not something that needed to be shipped to me. But now since I’m at home I have two hairbrushes and I can’t make myself throw one away because they still work. Needless to say be smart, remember this so you can save some space in the bathroom at home. Socks—my sister went all the way to Maryland for school and forgot to bring her socks. My mom shipped my sister her socks, but she had to borrow other people’s socks until the package arrived. Nail clippers—your nails do grow! And when they painfully break off you’ll think, maybe I should have listened to Laura and remembered to put them in my bag. Toothbrush and toothpaste—when you leave for school you’re (hopefully) going to brush your teeth. Put the toothbrush and toothpaste …

Laura’s BTS Wishlist

Hey! So I thought it would be a good idea for all of us writers to create a list of our top 5 Back to School (BTS) must haves. So be on the lookout for these wishlists throughout the Back to School Series, and let us know what’s on your BTS list.    1. Beats Headphones—When I work I like to be immersed in music, it’s easier for me to focus specifically on what I’m doing. Fun fact: I can read while listening to music, it actually works better for me. 2. Herschel Backpack—I’ve seen a few people with them and they look super cool. Since my backpack straps are holding on by a few threads, a new backpack would be nice. 3. Printed Pointe Tank Dress from American Apparel in the floral print—I’ve been dying to get my hands on one of these since the day I walked past the mannequin wearing it. (It’s on sale now and I’m trying so hard to resist the temptation of purchasing it.) 4. A cordless mouse—using Adobe Illustrator …

The Ultimate College Dorm List

Last year, right around this time I was freaking out about what I needed for my dorm room. Obviously I had never lived on my own (well actually I did, but it was only for a month and it was an art summer camp, but that doesn’t count). My sister’s been through this process before, so I was really lucky. But since many of you out there don’t have an older sister, or brother who’s been through this process before, I am now your acting older sister. Everything on this list is something that you should have. I’m putting explanations next to items that may seem questionable, so that you don’t think this list isn’t reliable. (adapted from the Room Needs/Storage Bedside/Desk lamp—actually comes in handy if you have to wake up earlier or stay up later than your roommate. Alarm clock/clock radio—or just use your phone? Mini trash can Storage bins—get a lot of these…I fully used three and still needed some more. Under-the-bed storage trays Fan—not always necessary if you have an …

VIDEO: Let’s Ombre

Hey guys! So during spring break I cut off around seven or eight inches of hair, and in the last few months I had been waiting to ombre my hair. Well hair has reached a long enough length, so I decided to pounce on this opportunity to dye it. I made a little vlog for anyone who’s thinking of ombring their hair or just dying it. Dying hair uses the same basic steps as ombring, so you can use the same guidance I give in this vlog.  

Women in White

My mom and dad are those people who have super crazy obsessions. You know, like the people who are obsessed with cars or football or horses. Well they’re obsessed with tennis. When I was little they used to strongly encourage (more like force, but ehh) my brother, my sister and myself to play tennis. Ultimately I stopped my tennis career at the age of twelve (-ish), but my brother and sister’s continued. Both played in high school. My brother hated it and my sister was only in it for the tennis outfits. I do have to say, in more recent years, I have come to somewhat like tennis. It’s not too bad, but I do have to say it’s not my favorite thing. What I really like about tennis: the fashion. Within the past few days Wimbledon, one of tennis’s grand slam events, has come to an end. Wimbledon is considered to be tennis’s most prestigious events. Matches are played on grass courts at the All England Club, in London. I’m speaking to you about …

I Struggle With My Self-Image // Personal Essay

This is a personal essay written by Laura Gee Writing about self-image is hard. I thought this would be much easier given that I know this subject all too well, but self-image is a concept that is more complex than it may seem. Self-image differs from person to person and includes different ideals. For me, self-image is more than just how I perceive myself. In my mind, it encompasses all beauty, health, and fashion standards to the smallest details and revolves around perfection. Self-image’s focus is never based off of me, but the world around me. Everyone’s understanding of self-image is a bit different from one another’s, but we are all connected in the same matter, social media. With Twitter and Instagram and Tumblr and Snapchat we make ourselves susceptible to believing we aren’t as funny, as thoughtful, as beautiful, as skinny, as “insert quality” as others. I can scroll endlessly through Instagram’s search page and see beautiful person after beautiful person. I can go on Snapchat and view tiny models wearing clothing I will …