Month: February 2017

Style Star of the Week: Elio Heres

Elio Heres, 27 Amsterdam, The Netherlands Blogger/Youtuber How would you describe your style? Extravagant, chic, vintage, androgynous Who or what inspires your style? I always try to inspire myself constantly. Fashion is a way to show your own personality. So I guess that I’m my bigest inspiration. Besides that I think I get inspired by the people around me, pictures on the internet, shop windows, extravagant people in the nightlife and everything that catches my eye. What item of clothing or accessory makes you feel most like yourself and why? I think it’s the bow-tie because it’s so chic and sophisticated, but loafers give me the same feeling as do high-waist pants at the moment. Difficult to pick one piece of clothing because my looks are all a totality. What is your dream job? A Youtuber with a sufficient following and tv presentator. What’s something you read about related to fashion recently, that you found interesting or thought provoking? That luckily some American celebrity’s embracing the fact that womenswear doesn’t have to be just for women. …

This Is What Happens When I Ask My Brother to Model

When I ask him to just laugh and smile… When I want him to be normal… When I say, “do something with action”… Finally, a decent one… This one’s not bad either… …And we’re back… 😩 As you can tell my 17-year-old brother, Niles is very silly. I asked him to model this sweater from Amazon online shop, Meters Bonwe for me, something I was given to review. He typically wears sweatpants and t-shirts, so this wasn’t exactly up his alley, but I think it looks nice on him. It still pairs well with the sporty look, but seems more polished. Next time I’d like him to wear it with jeans though. Lol. Meters Bonwe has some pretty nice clothing for men. The sweater was delivered quickly, and was of higher quality than I expected. Right now it’s on sale for $18.99–  a steal!

An Evening of Black Achievement

In less than 3 weeks (ohmigod time flies) I am going to Morocco, Africa for a week-long study abroad trip through my school. We will be going into two schools to teach English, as well as exploring the cultural landscape. I’ve never studied abroad before, but it’s been one of my goals before I graduate. Part of the reason is because I’ve been told the University can significantly aid my expenses, and once I am out in the real world, I won’t have access to that kind of financial support. Once I found out I was accepted to be one of the 15 to go on the trip, I felt so blessed! I sought the advice of my friends who had studied abroad before, and began applying for scholarships and writing proposals. One scholarship in particular was being rewarded by the African American Alumni Association. In an essay prompt applicants had to reply to the Maya Angelou quote: “Perhaps travel cannot prevent bigotry, but by demonstrating that all people cry, laugh, eat, worry, and die, it can introduce …

A Little Hardware

I’ve had this belt since I was probably 16, a gift from my grandmother. I remember when I first received it I felt kind of intimidated. I had no idea how to wear that thing. So, it sat in my closet for years. Every now and then I would attempt to style an outfit around it, but it never felt quite right. Fast forward to 2017 where the hardware trend is everywhere. These leather belts, with the straps, and the metal are popping up on the runway, street style bloggers, celebrities, etc. I loved the way I was seeing them styled. Suddenly I was feeling ready to try the belt again. In 2012 I wanted to pair it with a dressy look and make it more fancy, but it always ended up being overbearing. In 2017, I realized I needed to reverse that, and pair the belt with casual items to dress them up. And what’s more casual than denim? I found these mom jeans at a thrift store a while back and thought they’d …

New Online Store With Clothes Actual Young, Curvy Girls Want to Wear

A common problem clients come to me needing help with is knowing where to find affordable, stylish clothing for curvier girls. Well, this  may be a solution: MaryBelle– an online e-commerce site that sells sizes Large-3X.  MaryBelle proudly makes all of their styles in the United States and have made it a priority to provide their customers with high quality clothing at an affordable price. Fun Fact: All their clothing is named after Los Angeles based street’s, restaurants, and other things that encompass the heart of LA! The site offers a decent amount of blouses and dresses, but I am looking forward to seeing it expand even more. Let me know what you think! Would you shop here? See more here

Style Star of the Week: Anna Martin

Name: Anna     Age: Old enough to be someone’s mother. 😉 Where Are You From: Texas originally. I live in the Midwest, now Occupation: Attorney/Law Instructor How would you describe your style? Eclectic. What do you think about when you get dressed in the morning? How intense are the stares going to be with this one? What item of clothing or accessory makes you feel most like yourself and why? A vintage sweater, because it likely belonged to an old soul and I’ve always been an old person in a young person’s body. What is your dream job? Teaching law to international students in Japan. What’s something you read about related to fashion recently, that you found interesting or thought provoking? I don’t read fashion mags or high fashion blogs. That’s probably why my style is so whack. Heh. Anyway, I just stick to personal fashion blogs that I find interesting. One such blog had an indelible message and it was that you should basically wear what you want and express your true self …

Colors in Clifton

I bought this dress in mid-december, but am just now getting around to wearing it for the first time. I love the color, the stretch, but most importantly, the length! As a tall gal, I can’t get away with tiny miniskirts. I bought this in the boutique I work at, the Pink Tulip Club in Montgomery. I thought the perfect background for these photos would be on Wheeler St. in Clifton. I often pass by and see rows of these fun colored houses. Dress: Michael Stars Jacket: Thrifted Izzi Spirit Necklace: Dillard’s Sneakers: Converse Photos taken by Mackenzie Frank 

Style Star of the Week: Michael Akortia

Michael Akortia 20 years old Born in Ghana, West Africa Currently Residing in New York Model/Entrepreneur When I get dressed in the morning I think about the person that I am going to inspire and encourage to express themselves through the material they wear and the style they create out of it. It’s not that there’s an item of clothing or accessory that makes me feel most like myself, but rather the way I put everything that I wear together. Small things such as folding the bottom of my jeans, wearing vibrant socks, posing a certain way, or even emphasizing my watch that I am wearing can really make or break my whole look in my opinion. Every little detail matters. A dream job for me would be owning my own business and being my own boss because no one wants to work under someone and take orders and directions all their lives. We were born to strive to be our greatest and be a factor of our own authority, and that is what I am …

Men, It’s Time to Borrow From the Girls (Don’t Worry You’ll Still Look Masculine)

Women are familiar with “Borrowing from the boys” when it comes to style. We’ve got “boyfriend jeans”, “boyfriend blazers”, and oversized menswear inspired shirts. In the age of defying gender norms, it’s now becoming more mainstream for guys to borrow from the girls (about time!). Men, especially heterosexual men, often complain there’s not a lot of options for them when it comes to fashion, but in reality, they may just need to expand their view. So, men– here’s how to incorporate “traditional womenswear” into your wardrobe in an effort to take your style to the next level. WAIT. Don’t click out of this post just yet! Keep an open mind… I promise you’ll still look masculine. 1. Grandma’s Shawl Yes, the model looks like he’s wearing a blanket he grabbed from the couch or perhaps his grandmother’s shawl. BUT, doesn’t he look good? Well, I mean the outfit. The look reads as fashion forward. What makes it particular successful is the monochromatic element. Imagine him without the shawl. Eh… Now with he shawl? FIRE 🔥 …